BLOOM: A Story of Rebirth
Original video footage & editing by Piotr Redlinski with additional footage by Max (Matthew) Fass of Brazzmatazz Productions. Still thumbnail image by Matt Petricone.
BLOOM: A Story Of Rebirth
BLOOM was a special Spring event that invited the community to enter into the magical unknown and celebrate the wonder of life and rebirth. Together we planted new dream seeds, waking up to the miracle of ourselves, the earth, the cosmos, and the transformational capacity of our own hands and hearts. BLOOM invited people to remember our innate sense of belonging as Creatures of the Earth and Humanity.
The journey brought people on a one mile visceral experience through thirteen scenes at Stone Ridge Orchard in the evening. The tale followed the course of life from the void through conception, disorientation, quickening, until finally there was birth and celebration. BLOOM allowed participants to be both witness and player on a full sensory experience where performance met the sacred.
BLOOM came to life thanks to more than 200 passionate and creative local helpers and volunteers from diverse backgrounds to bring this vision to life. Over 1200 guests joined in this experience over the course of two days. Leading up to the event, Circle offered free hands-on workshops, inspiring creativity through mask and wing making, sewing, and more. All costumes, masks and sets were handmade with upcycled materials or sustainably and honorably harvested materials from nature.
BLOOM came to life thanks to more than 200 passionate and creative local helpers and volunteers, plus the support of our beloved local business sponsors. In turn, Circle Creative Collective offered free hands-on workshops leading up to the performance as our way of giving back, inspiring creativity through mask and wing making, sewing, and more, all while using sustainable and up-cycled materials. Over 100 masks, wings and costumes were made at Circle’s BLOOM workshops and worn in and to this event.
Take part in Life’s inextinguishable quest for more be both witness and player on an exuberant full sensory experience where performance meets the sacred and celebration.
BLOOM was co-written, co-produced and co-directed by Melissa Hewitt, Mirabai Trent, and Jenny Wonderling,