Taller Huella Carmín Naturally Dyed Handwoven Wool Rug

Taller Huella Carmín Naturally Dyed Handwoven Wool Rug


Handmade by a beautiful Zapotec family in Teotitlan del Valle, these wool rugs are 100% naturally dyed and handwoven, using traditional skills that have been passed down from generation to generation. Your purchase will support the livelihood of the family we work with and ensures the preservation of their incredible indigenous wisdom and traditions. These rugs are great for an entry way, below the sink, as the base of your altar.

There is currently only one rug left!

“We are proud Zapotecs from Teotitlán del Valle (Land of the Gods); we express with love and passion our culture and ancestral knowledge handed down and practiced in our family for over five generations while honoring our ancestors and Mother Nature.

We are currently innovating our processes to transcend as Zapotecs while we preserve our ancient techniques. We continue to add more people to our Huella Carmín team; thus, contributing to the development and well-being of artisan families in our community by generating sources of work, promoting tourism and attracting economic benefits.”


“We are a workshop specializing in woolen weaving with a pedal loom committed to preserving our ancestral Zapotec techniques and traditions. We firmly believe that innovation is a promoter of development; therefore, we offer unique pieces capable of leaving a mark everywhere and connecting the world to our culture.

Each Huella Carmín piece has been imagined and materialized by the hands of Oaxacan families from Teotitlán del Valle so your purchase generates income and contributes to the progress and well-being of our artisan families.”

The impact of covid-19 on the economy has been very challenging for this family. They genuinely appreciate your support! If you are interested in exploring more patterns or other sizes, we can work with your needs and the families availability to create a piece that is just right for you!

Dimensions: 25” x 41”

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